
Rules & Regulations


1. Students are expected to regularly prepare their lessons and dp their home work. 2. It is obligatory to wear the prescribed uniform. 3. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, disrespect towards the members of the staff, unruly behavior or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for dismissal of a student at anytime of the year. 4. Guardians/ parents are requested to make proper arrangement to collect the children immediately after the school hours. 5. The school diary is a record concerning the student. Therefore bring the school diary daily to school. 6. While utmost precaution is taken, the school cannot be held responsible for accidents minor or serious to pupils during the stay in the school or while taking part in sports or co - curricuiar activities within or outside the school premises. 7. Any misbehavior of a serious nature that has become public knowledge is liable to bring about suspension or dismissal even though it took place in or out of the school campus. 8. No magazines, papers or books other than the school text books and the school diary may be brought to the school without the permission of the principal. Parcels and letters are subject to inspection. 9. Buying/ selling of stamps, stickers, comic books etc is not allowed in the school. Items such as supari, chewing gum, etc are strictly forbidden in the school and stern measures will be taken offenders in this regard. 10. Pupils are strictly forbidden to form any association or to engage themselves in any group activity or to raise funds for any purpose without the permission of the Principal. 11. a) Every student should wear a clean and proper uniform daily. b) Ornaments and jewellery of any kind are no allowed in the school. c) Avoid applying mehendi, Bangles, Golden chain, Golden earrings and nail polish when you send them to school. 12. For the well being and smooth running of the school, authorities may ask the guardian to withdraw his/ her wards from the school in case of any serious reason or indiscipline. 13. Pupils should treat their classroom as sacred places. They are expected to maintain silence and order in the classroom During the absence of a teacher, class pupils must obey the leader appointed to mulntefn good order. 14. Pupil shall not run, play or shout In the school building During the class hounr they shall move along the corridors in silence and in order. 15. Participation in games, physical training and cultural are compulsory. Exemption will be granted on grounds only, 16. Books, onrdigans, tiffin boxes, water lefties its, belong to the pupils should bear their name. 17. Any damage done to the school property must bts made good by the pupils. 18. In order to acquire fluency in speaking bnglish the medium of communication in the school campus as well as in the school bus will be only in English. 19. Stydents shall address teachers and all members of the staff, teaching and non-teaching with due respect and politeness. They shall show gentleness and courtesy te their companions. 20. Without the written permission from the principal, pupils will not be allowed to leave the school during school hours. 21. All students must parry their school diary and identity card with them and will have to produce the same qn demand by the principal/ Teachers. If the student fails to wear the school identity Bird a fine of Rs 50 will be levied upon.


1. Every student should wear a Clean, Proper and Complete uniform daily. 2. Electronic gadgets including stylish watches mobile phone, Laptop, tabs, camara & Flashdrive are not permitted and once caught goods will be confiscated and will not be given back, No negotiation on this is entertained. 3. Pupils are expected to regularly prepare their lessons & do their homework. Those who have not done their homework will not be allowed to sit in the class. 4. Pupils should treat their classrooms as sacred places. They are expected to maintain silence and order in the classrooms. Those who disturb the class will be sent out of the classroom. During the absence of a teacher from the class, pupils must obey the leader appointed to maintain good order. 5. Pupils of this school are not encouraged to take private tuitions. Teachers are encouraged to take special classes in the school, which are meant to benefit all pupils. Students should bring all the prescribed text and note books of the day without failure. 6. Sthudents should bring all the prescribed text and note books of the day without failure. 7. Each subject should have separate note book. 8. Students should submit the projects in time, late submission without valid reason will cause a loss of five marks automatically. 9. Homework is given with two main objectives: a) To provide exercise to increase progress and to acquire skill. b) To test and ascertain the progress and skill acquired. All work of the first type is generally class-work and need not be corrected in detail; but all work of the second type is corrected (i.e, homework proper). 10. It is advisable that a student studies at least for two hours on working days and more on holidays.


1. Pupils who travel by School buses are expected to observe strict discipline inside the buses as well as at the bus stops. 2. The school pays the bus drivers an ample salary for twelve months that includes all holidays. Hence the bus fees are to be paid for twelve months that Includes as all holidays. 3. Please be on time at the bus point for boarding and disembarking. 4. On the way to ar.d from school, the students are expected to behave in a verj disciplined manner keeping in mind the importance of drivar’s concentration while driving. 5. Any malpractice either by the students or the drivers/ conductors be severely punished. 6. Concerning any problem regarding the bus, ptease refer to the school authorities only. 7. Students who travel by the buses are expected to wear proper uniform an( I the language to be spoken in the bus is only English. 8. No student is allowed to get down at any bus point other than the one indie ited in the application form. 9. Students not allowed eating in the bus; the Tiffin is to be eaten in the schoc I break time only. 10. Students who ravel by school bus will not be allowed to avail any othei means of transport while leaving the school without the written permission from the parents. 11. Students who constantly fight In the bus, use abusive words, disturb others or spoil things in the bus will forfeit the transport facility, 12. Students should sit on the seats allotted to them by the teachers. 13. Students should obey the teachers and the conductors and eider students should make sure the safety and comfort of the younger ones. 14. Students should not put their hands out or through water or any other article through the window. 15. Students should not haul or make any ridiculing or mocking sound in the bus. Reports of such behavior will be dealt sternly. 16. Any problem regarding the bus, please refer to school authority. Parents are not allowed to board the school bus., 17. Discontinuing the bus at the middle of the year is not permit , whatsoever. In case of necessity the whole years fees ha to be paid. 18. Students who go against the rules mentioned above will lose tllair right to travel by school bus.